Good Afternoon All, Given the latest update on restrictions coming into force today and the mass widening of restrictions, as a club we wanted to update all of our members on the latest guidelines.
In line with Government guidance we shall no longer be offering table service, and all our members and guests will be able to order from the bar within the clubhouse. Our full bar offering is now available. Please see the key points below as to how we intend to operate moving forward;
Where possible please use Card or Contactless Payments. This helps to keep our staff as safe as possible. The use of members cards will now be available again, offering discounts on all Alcoholic Drinks. You can also load your card with money to make pruchasing your drinks even easier. If you dont yet a membership card or have lost yours please email to request one.
Please wear a mask when coming to the bar to order your drinks where possible.
A maximum of 2 people at the bar at any one time where possible.
Please continue to use a mask when you using the toilet.
Please use the NHS Covid App where possible.
Please continue to use the Hand Sanitiser Pumps located around the club and wash your hands regularly.
Please STAY AWAY from the club if you have any symptoms!
With regards to our function room, we will now begin to take bookings again but with a capacity limit of 50 people. We wont be actively advertising the function room for hire just now with cases still being so high. However if you, or a family members wishes to book the function room please head over to the page on our website to submit a booking enquiry.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding, and your help in keeping us a safe and welcoming environment.
Many thanks
BTCC Executive Commitee.
