A message from the Executive Committee;
2020 was the year that started with such hope and enthusiasm and then quickly turned into panic and survival!
As the executive committee we wanted to send a message to all of our members and supporters both near and far to let you all know that we couldn’t have made it through this year without your help and support!
In a year when we wondered if any cricket would be played at all, like many other clubs we managed to make that happen.
The bar has been shut since early March, but we have rested on our laurels and set about transforming the bar to make it better than ever for when we can finally reopen.
We worried about how we would keep the lights on during this never ending lockdown but thanks to our members support and help from grants we know that we will be ready to open when the time allows. Thank you.
We’ve continued to invest to make this cricket club the best it can be and the recent addition of a start of the art roll on roll off net is testament to that, along with new training equipment for juniors and seniors.
We sourced a new kit supplier for the 2021 season so that we look the smartest in the county, and so that our members can wear the Viking with pride!
We wondered if our sponsors would continue to support us, but we needn’t have worried. The ongoing support from local and national businesses has been phenomenal and won’t be forgotten.
So here’s to 2021, a year in which the new normal allows us to experience the highs and lows of the old normal both on and off the field!
This cricket club has been around since 1849, and it will take more than a pandemic to keep us down!
Please stay safe, continue to follow government advice and hopefully in 100 days we can start as we intended in 2020!
Happy new year!
BTCC Executive Committee